When is Your Story Ready for Professional Editing?
The story is written. The numerous ‘s/he said’ and ‘s/he shrugged’ lines are updated. You’ve read, and re-read, and re-read, and…
But how do you know when it’s ready for a professional set of eyes?
Well, when…
You’re past the first draft.
The first draft’s goal is to get the words down on the paper. That’s it. Plot holes, consistency, word choices – that should all come later. It’s easy to want to send off the finished piece to an editor and have them take over… but your voice is not fully formed in a first draft. Going back and fixing the story yourself can help an editor see your final vision, and help you get there.
You’ve corrected all typos, spelling errors, and grammar mistakes you’ve found.
Is the name supposed to be Eddie or Edie? Is the town name Bellmawr or Belmar? Small misses like this can be misinterpreted and the wrong choice left behind. Combing through your story for obvious (or not-so-obvious) mix-ups can help the editor produce a coherent and polished finished product. Reading the story out loud can be a help in picking up on mistakes!
Your changes are being made for the sake of changing – not for value.
It’s hard letting go of your book baby…writers can spend countless hours editing and re-editing their piece, knowing something is missing. But it comes to a point where the editing can start to have the reverse outcome, the spark that rested just underneath the surface is hidden by unnecessary changes. If your edits leave the story itself to focus on the little things, it’s time to let go.
You are ready for criticism.
Having an outside editor looking at your work can be hard – but shouldn’t be scary. However, there are still requirements that come with critique that might change the outcome of your story. Being ready to change, edit, and possibly remove parts of your story is important before taking the step of professional editing.
We hold our stories dear to our heart - as we should. The editing process is where not only your story grows, but you as an author. Let us help you get there.